Contributing to the regional economy
Our milk collection, processing and enhancement activities contribute to the development of the social and economic development of the Great West region of France. Contributing to local employment and investment is a founding principle of our raison d’être.

A firm territorial grounding
The three cooperatives that constitute the Laïta organisation have been contributing to the development of dairy activity in the Great West region for many years, from livestock farming to the processing of dairy products.
Their dynamism has resulted in the long-term success of a sustainable dairy industry in Brittany, the biggest milk-producing region in France. Our milk collections now come from more than 2,500 farms distributed across the territory.
Investment and jobs
We invest on average 40 million euros every year in facilities and equipment. These investments help to consolidate our dairy activity in the region, and also to secure the long-term success of the businesses and craftsmen and women based in the local area.
With 3,000 employees distributed across our headquarters in Brest and our industrial sites, we are one of the biggest employment and training providers in the Great West.
Explore our other commitments and testimonials
Our other pillars
Committed and passionate
All about our approach #committed
Because our environmental, human and social commitment is a daily reality, we place CSR at the heart of our actions.