Towards a social dialogue in the locality
Social dialogue at all levels of the organisation and collective bargaining are embedded in our values, through dialogue with local committees in particular.
A comprehensive dialogue
In keeping with our values of proximity and simplicity, we encourage social dialogue at all levels of the organisation - between supervisors and their teams on a daily basis, through various management procedures, between senior management and staff representatives, and within the central Social and Economic Committee and its counterparts at individual establishments.

Local committees
To ensure social dialogue takes place as close as possible to the local territory, we have set up local committees for each sphere of activity. The 31 committees comprise business managers in the sector, a representative from the human resources department and an employee representative. They meet on a quarterly basis to discuss issues related the organisation and concerning health and safety at work.
Collective bargaining
We have concluded many agreements through collective bargaining since our establishment in 2009, on time management, classification, remuneration, occupational equality, etc. The negotiations involve an employer delegation (human resource managers from Laïta and the three business areas) and an employee delegation (delegates and trade union officials), on various topics identified by each party.
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Committed and passionate
All about our approach #committed
Because our environmental, human and social commitment is a daily reality, we place CSR at the heart of our actions.